Why is the Milky Way blue? Why isn't a black hole dark? How many stars can you see with your naked eye?
Humans are the only known astronomers in the universe. When we look up at the night sky, we are linked to our ancestors. Away from city lights, we can see what generations of people before us have wondered at and weaved stories around.
But all that will change. The Andromeda Galaxy is rushing towards us at 400,000 kilometres an hour.
When Galaxies Collide will guide you to look at the night sky afresh. It peers 5.86 billion years into the future to consider the fate of Earth and its inhabitants. Will the solution be to live in space without a planet to call home? Will one of the other 100 billion planets spawn life?
Learn how to watch this space.
Blast off!
What holds galaxies together?
Would Saturn float in a giant bathtub?
How do astronauts use the toilet?
Young astronomers can find out the answers to all their questions about space on this wild ride through the solar system … and beyond! Starting with the Big Bang, check out how the stars got started and how the universe is growing. Blast off on amazing space missions, then plunge to the center of our very own planet Earth. Along the way, learn outer space jokes to tell your friends. The sky's the limit!
Recommended for ages 7 and up
This desktop, 10cm diameter terrestrial globe, rotates 360 degrees and is clearly labelled with continent, country and major city and ocean names.
Explore the world with this stunning, colourful, terrestrial globe. Dimensions: 11 x 10 x 13.5cm.
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This kit is an excellent beginner educational solar kit, teaching the basic solar power principals and also how it drives the motor and makes the movements of each model. This kit provides full set of plastic parts, solar panel and all necessary parts to build your own solar kit. Suitable for ages 10 and up.