Under the Stars: Astrophysics for Bedtime transports curious kids and inquisitive adults on an incredible journey through the night sky. Explore our solar system from the comfort of your cosy bedroom. Find out why the sky is blue. Fly around a black hole and peer inside! Learn why Jupiter has stripes
When astrophysicists Lisa Harvey-Smith isn't looking skyward, she is answering the smart questions of school kids. Her engaging storytelling in this colourfully illustrated book brings the night sky to life, giving amazing new perspectives to young explorers who are always asking, 'Why?'
This desktop, 10cm diameter globe, rotates 360 degrees and is clearly labelled with Latin and English names.
Explore the stars with this stunning celestial globe. Dimensions: 11 x 10 x 13.5cm
Step outside and look up at the night sky. We are fortunate to live in Australia, where the stars of the Southern Hemisphere are spectacular. Does it leave you with a sense of wonder, wanting to know more about the heavens above? Then this book is for you.
Whatever your level of interest this publication has much to offer. Even if you are a beginner just starting your astronomical voyage, using nothing but your eyes, let this be your guide to:
What do you need to know to prosper for 65,000 years or more? The First knowledges series provides a deeper understanding of the expertise and ingenuity of Indigenous Australians.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people are the oldest scientists in human history.
Many Indigenous people regard the land as a reflection of the sky and the sky a reflection of the land. Sophisticated astronomical expertise embedded within the Dreaming and Songlines are interwoven into deep understanding of changes on the land, such as weather patterns and seasonal shifts, that are integral in knowledges of time, food availability and ceremony.
In Astronomy: Sky Country, Karlie noon and Krystal De Napoli explore the connections between Aboriginal environmental and cultural practices and the behaviour of the stars, and consider what must be done to sustain our dark skies, and the information they hold, into the future.