Discover fun facts as you lift over 50 flaps on an incredible illustrated journey into space!
What are stars made of?
Why does the moon shine?
What do astronauts wear?
These and hundreds of other questions about our Solar System and the Universe are answered in this charming book. Simple, easy-to-read text and lively, detailed illustrations introduce the basic concepts of space to young readers.
The universe is huge and includes everything in space, from large stars and galaxies to tiny pieces of dust. Learn all about the wonders of space in Incredible But True: Space!
How hot is the sun?
Which planet rotates on its side?
Why does Saturn have rings?
Uncover the mysteries of space, from stars and planets to space travel. Explore the International Space Station, meet the Curiosity rover as it tours Mars, and learn how to observe the night sky in this fun and educational book!